Monday, January 9, 2012

Walgreens 1/8/12 Outing

Walgreen's Loot from 1/8! 

I had to run out for papers anyway so I figured I'd make the most of the trip!

I had RR left over from last week, I am especially proud of this trip, as i got out of the store for less then $5.00!

The Suave body wash there was a coupon in the paper for Buy 2 get 1 free.  Walgreen's has these on sale for $2.00 each and if you spend $10 they will give you $3 in Register Rewards!  So basically I paid $3.00 for 5 Bottles here!

Now I LOVE Rembrandt mouth wash and toothpaste so this deal was amazing!  I got 6 tubes of tooth paste and 2 bottles of mouth wash.  They are normally 7.99 each.  This week they have a special buy one get one free.  So here is how this worked
7.99 (for 2) I had coupons I printed from online, between their website (for Rembrandt) and I had 4 - $5.00 off 2 coupons and 4 - $2.00 off 1 coupons
so 7.99 - 5 - 2 = 99 cents for 2!

Paid for these (about 10.00 with my RR from last week) and got my $3.00 RR and the rest of last weeks for above goodies and used those to get this:

They had a sale on Axe also, the shower gel was buy one get one half off, and I had a coupon for buy one get one free, they gave me the full price one for free, so it cost me 2.50 for 2 bottles.  The Axe Deodorant, They had 1 type that was on "last chance clearance" for 2.69, I had 4 - $1 off Axe Deodorant coupons that were in the paper, and they rang up buy 1 get 1 half off so they were basically a buck a piece.

On my receipts for the 2 orders one was .48 cents and one was .67c, and of course I had to pay the tax, but I got out of there with $105.00 worth of stuff for less then $5 out of pocket! 

I am stocking up on brands that are my kids favorite, so this is working out great!

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