Friday, January 13, 2012

Walmart is NOT where I want to be shopping with Coupons!

It seems like every time I go in there I have a problem using my coupons.  The printed ones i half way understand because so many are not real or legit but the ones from the paper They shouldn't have such an issue with.  ANYWAY.  I went in there because I am reading everywhere that you can get an overage on all these things that coupons were in the paper for like KY Jelly, Pens, Cortaid, Razors and other stuff.  So i stacked up all my coupons and went in!  Originally I was going to use my Rembrandt coupons here for my mouth wash, but she didnt scan in my coupons and didn't tell me!  I had to actually go to customer service and get a refund on those because no way i was paying full price when I know so many other places have such great deals this week (I ended up getting them for .99 cents at Walgreens anyway!  So I am glad I had to take them back!

I did end up getting a good deal on the stuff I did get, it was just more of a hassle then I was ready to deal with!

Walmart had their Suave Kids Shampoo on sale in 2 packs for 2.98, so I grabbed 2 of them.  I had 2 coupons for $1.00 off two, and they let me use both so that was nice, 4 bottles of awesome looking kids shampoo for a buck a bottle isn't too bad! All the dental floss, Reach brand and Oral B brand I had a dollar off coupon and they only cost 97 cents so they were free.  The KY was 2.87 and I had a 3.00 coupon so it was free.  It was also the only bottle!  So I am not the only one in this town using coupons!
Total Cost $3.65!

In case you are wondering, just to clarify, No I did not buy 50 papers!  I did however find someone on ebay that had 20 of the coupons for a dollar off the BIC Pens product.  I paid 3.00 (which included shipping) for these, and they came in the mail today which is what promoted my outing in the first place.  I know you don't have to use them all up at once, but I have to wonder if they do things like that to clear stock so that they can restock with something more expensive so I want to get while the getting is good!  I noticed when all the 2.50 Cortaid was gone at walmart (there was a $3.00 coupon in the paper for it) that they restocked it with some crazy expensive stuff, so yeah, I'm going to get the free stuff while its free and I'm there! :) I can always order more coupons if i need more stuff. 

With 6 kids, 1 in College and 3 in School I can never have enough pens, so this was perfect for us!  I got these for nothing!  Yeah that's right, nothing!  And I didn't even "clear their shelf"  if they had slim pickins I wouldn't have used up all my coupons just yet :)
Total Cost Big Fat ZERO!

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